Saturday, March 8, 2014

Treasure the Small Moments with Family

What a wonderful week it was.  The little man had the week off from school for spring break even though we haven't really moved into spring yet. There's still so much snow, I think it's going to take until June to clear up!  The others had a great time learning about the circus at daycare, and putting on a circus on Friday.
Today, we took the munchkins swimming at one of the local hotels.  There are a couple around here that allow open swim for a reasonable price.  Since it was my momma's birthday a couple days ago, and I love any excuse to hang out with my parents and siblings, the text went out (along with a phone call to my parents who haven't figured out the joys of texting yet), and the date was set up.  We had a wonderful hour and a half or so swimming with about half of my side of the family, followed by a crock pot lunch at our house after.  As we hadn't been able to visit with my mom on her birthday, the munchkin troop and I headed to Target this morning to pick up some birthday decor.

Even though the doll baby spilled the beans about the birthday decorations and balloons that we had waiting, my momma was one happy lady when she walked in and saw it.  And the kids sure had a blast having a party for her.  Much fun and relaxing were had by all.

These are the moments that I sure live for.  The moments when  you are surrounded by the ones you love, the ones who just get you and all  your weirdness.  The moments when you can put a smile on someone's face, and make their day just that much brighter.  I love it!  And I sure love how my babies are figuring out how to do the same kinds of things already.  :)

There are two good reasons to become a facilitator of moments like this....

1..  You never know when this day could be your last chance to create memories of or with someone.  I recently was able to be a listener for a coworker, explaining how the 4 year old daughter of a neighbor, a child who had played frequently with her own children, had died in a tragic accident the night before.  Things can happen so fast, so you need to make sure that you are taking each and every opportunity to store up memories of the people you love and enjoy being with.

2.  You also never know when your kindness and the time you offer could mean the world to another person.  I love reading the Chicken Soup for the Soul books, and one particular story that still stands out is of a middle school boy who befriended another, after the second had his stack of books knocked out of his arms.  They became good friends, and it was only at their high school graduation that it came out that the second had planned to commit suicide that weekend.  The actions of the first boy convinced him that there were more reasons to go on and find the help he needed.

I was given the opportunity to read Life as a Daymaker, by David Wagner a couple years ago.  This is truly an amazing book!  The philosophy of creating moments of conscious giving to others is so simple, yet so profound that it can change lives with a single act of thoughtful kindness.  I strive to utilize the ideas that I read in this book to be the best parent, spouse, employee, co-worker, child, and friend that  I can be.  And the rewards that I get are truly priceless.

Life as a Daymaker

I recently purchased the book Bucket Filling from A to Z through the book order program at my younger children's day care.  We haven't had a chance to read it together- yet- but after flipping through it, I am glad that it is now a part of our library.  There are so many ways to give, to make someone else's day, and this will be another way that we teach our children the power of giving back.

Bucket Filling from A to Z

One last bit before I go tonight....

They truly are what matter most.

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