Sunday, March 23, 2014

Create Your Own Awesome

So, a while back, I learned something important about myself.

I am truly great at having great ideas... and not doing anything about them.  Like wanting to spend time with the wonderful women I work with outside of work, but not setting something up so we could hang out.  Or making more time for my craftiness, and learning new crafting skills, and spending time with people I enjoy- who also would love to make more time for their craftiness.  Or writing about being a parent and caregiver, and inspiring a great conversation for someone who may need a little inspiration in their lives.  Or the million and one other great things that I would love to do and incorporate into my life, but just haven't yet.

But, here's the thing.  Having these great ideas is a good thing; my lack of action on them was not.  I kept thinking how great it would be to spend more time socializing with people I like and respect, but didn't take the next step into doing something about it.  Same with the rest of it.  Until one day, it hit me... Why not be the change I wanted to see and experience?  Why couldn't I set up a get-together for my friends and co-workers?  What was stopping me?  NOTHING!  Just myself, not taking the time to utilize the Facebook event setting to set up meeting with my friends.  And so I did... And it was great!  We had a wonderful time, with so many laughs, ending with several of us standing in the parking lot of the restaurant we met at, extending the talking and laughter a little later.

I finally started this blog, after seeing/reading the one posted by my brother in law, Hiker Adventures, and another child care mom, Country Acres Momma.  I enjoy reading their adventures and advice, and thought, "Why not!?"  You just gotta dive in sometimes.

These two things are kinda the brackets on my taking action revelation and effort.  I did begin to truly intentionally make these efforts and changes with setting up time with friends from work.  It is great when we can all get there, but still fun when it is just a couple of us.  There is always fun and laughter, and the opportunity to connect with someone that I may not see on a day to day basis is great for me.

I am loving sharing my experiences as a mom and child care provider.  I truly hope that I am giving people something to think about, to help make their experience with their child and their child's village of family and caregivers that much richer.

I am truly enjoying myself and my life so much more, now that I have that many fewer "I wish I would have..."s going on.  Not that I am getting to everything, but one thing at a time.  :)

So, tonight or tomorrow, pick one thing that you want.  Make it happen!  There are classes and shops and opportunities everywhere.  Make your life what you want to see.  :)

Well, I'm off to check on the craft night I am setting up... Good luck!

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