Monday, March 31, 2014

Date Night Out

Ok, so it was more of an afternoon out since we caught the matinee, but it was still nice. :)

Last week, the husband decided we needed an afternoon out.  He waited until midweek, when I was feeling a little down from my new friend-baby at work; he was still having a hard time, and I was trying to see what else I could do to help him adjust and settle, and it wasn't working so well.  The husband announced that we were going out, and I was feeling just frustrated with myself enough to not be very agreeable with the plan.

As the week went on, things got better- as I hoped they would.  And the more I thought about going out, and relaxing at the movies, the better the idea sounded.  So he called my momma to hang out with the babes, and I decided what to see.

The day arrived, and I was rushing around, getting the last of my cleaning done so I didn't have to worry about it after we came home.  The kids were so excited that Nana was coming over, they didn't even sleep/rest well for their naps.  I was not thrilled that I hadn't finished all that I wanted, that they hadn't slept, that I was rushing to get ready for the movie so we weren't late. Grr....

But, we got out the door on time, and got some snacks (holy crazy what they want for one drink and nachos at the theater... Not doing that any more!), and settled into our seats.  The previews were pretty good- I saw some movies that I wouldn't mind seeing in the future, and the movie was AWESOME!!  It was even better that I found out it was based on a book, and I now have the trilogy on my Kindle.  (Love that thing.)  And the few hours that I didn't have to think about the cleaning and the kids were great.

We got home to the kiddos trying to talk Nana into a game that she didn't really know (I don't even get that one, but they love playing it with the husband), and we got the rundown of all  that they did while we were gone.  In short, time with Nana was the best.  :)  Spirograph, play dough, dinner, and games were on the list I got when we got home, so they had a great time.

This was a great reminder to me to take the time for myself, my husband, and our relationship, and to encourage my children's relationship with my mom.  The schedule my family keeps gets hectic at times with all our appointments, interests, and friends- but I can't imagine it any other way.  However, this allows for the husband and I to not put ourselves and our relationship where it needs to be sometimes, and this was a great time for us to hang out together.

It is great for the kids to spend time with their grandparents, to know the extended family that loves them and enjoys all their interests as much as we do.  It truly takes a village to raise a child, and allowing them to share what they know and are learning with that group allows them to practice those skills more, and in different ways.

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”

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