Monday, April 28, 2014

Today Was Bread Day

So, a couple months ago, I finally quit thinking that I would prefer to make our bread instead of buying it, and just got started with it. I love to make bread.  There's just something relaxing about the smell of baking bread, and the healthier-food conscious mom/wife/gal in me likes all the things I know aren't in it. I usually do bread in to weekend, but with one thing and the next, it didn't get done told today.

The recipe is nothing truly special, although it is delicious. It's just the second one that I tried off of Pinterest ... Surprise that I would go looking there... Have I mentioned how much I like Pinterest? :)  Probably nothing wrong with the first recipe I tried, but it just never turned out how I was looking for it to.

Tonight was also a great bread making night, because I got to use my new loaf pans that I just bought. :) It's the little things, I know. :)

Anyway, nothing huge or momentous from me tonight.  I just wanted to share how happy baking bread makes me.

By the way, here is the recipe I use, in case you have a few hours and want to give it a shot.  It's so worth it, and another chance to do something with the munchkins, what with all the pouring and mixing going on. :)

Whole Wheat Bread
Makes 2 loaves

2 3/4 cups hot water
1/3 cup olive oil (vegetable oil works well in a pinch)
1/3 cup honey
2Tbsp molasses
6-7 1/2 cups flour (I do 2 cups bread flour and usually about 4 cups whole wheat.  Just not more than the 7 1/2.)
2 Tbsp yeast

Mix the liquids, then add two cups of flour (to cool the water to the right temp.) Add the yeast and the rest of the flour. Mix with a wooden (or other sturdy) spoon until the dough forms a ball.  Wet a light weight towel with hot water, wring it out, and drape it over the bowl.  Let raise for about an hour, but don't worry if you leave it longer, just don't completely forget about it. Butter two loaf pans, all over the bottoms and up the sides.  Dip your hands in flour, then tap the dough so it deflates. Pull about half of it into a ball in your hands, and tuck the sides underneath. Turn a quarter turn, and tuck again. Repeat until you have a nice loaf shape. Lay it in one pan, and repeat with the rest if the dough. Re-wet and wring out your towel. Drape it over the pans again. In about 30-45 minutes, turn in the oven to 350*. When it is hot, gently slide the pans in on the bottom rack, making sure there is plenty of room in case the bread poofs up a lot during baking. (I had the bread bake into the rack above one time- not pretty...) Bake for 35 minutes. Let cool on racks or stove top for 5-10 minuets, then remove from pans and cool completely before bagging for storage.

These freeze well, however, I have noticed that they are less soggy after thawing if I out them top side down as they thaw. 😊

Have fun! This bread turns out super yummy!

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