Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Sweetness of Children

On Thursday, I became an auntie to another sweet boy.  My younger sis and her husband had their second little man, and he is a little cutie.  Congrats to them!

Since I wasn't feeling the greatest on Thursday, I had to wait until Friday to make sure I was well enough to go meet the new little man.  It was hard, as I wanted to rush right over to see my sweet sister and her babe, but I resisted as I didn't want to get them sick.  It was sure worth the wait.

Friday afternoon, after picking up little man from school, we stopped at home quickly for a backpack drop off, and headed over to the hospital.  After parking, we made the necessary chain of hand holding to make sure no one got lost or distracted, and marched our way to the maternity floor.  After checking in and finding the right room, we got settled for a nice visit.  It was amazing and so rewarding to me to see my own sweet babies so excited to meet their new cousin, and their gentleness with him when it was their turn to hold him.  Even the super baby was calm and careful (at least as far as a 2 1/2 year old can be) while taking his turn.  And seeing my dolly rocking and shushing as the babe fussed and she watched the cartoon that her uncle had started for them so they didn't get too antsy...  Almost brought a tear to the eye.  It was wonderful.  :)

Today, most of the rest of the family came over at our invitation for a potluck lunch and hangout.  These are my favorite type of get together with my family.  I am not the most fanatical of housekeepers, so some mess isn't going to get me too worked up to clean my house before my family (or really, any one else) comes over.  As long as the cat box and diaper bin aren't smelling up the place, we are pretty good.  It was a nice and relaxing day, with a few tossed grapes to keep things interesting.  :)  And I got the benefit of seeing my babies in action again, this time with my just past 6 month old niece.  She is such a smiley girl!  Little man got to help her with her bottle, and seeing my brother helping him learn about supporting her head up enough, and holding the bottle so she wasn't getting air was another pretty cool moment.  And watching my baby doll and super baby playing peek a boo with her... . That's something that will never get old either.

These are the memories I will cherish.  Time with my family, and seeing my children develop these memories and closeness with their cousins.  Time to spend with my siblings, my parents, the family we have gathered together.  These moments are the best.

My momma tells me that there are people who wish they had these moments too...  Don't wait for them to happen.  Make them happen!  You don't want to look back on a lot of "I wish I would have's".  Go for the "I'm glad I did's".  You'll like them better!

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