Wednesday, April 16, 2014

"My child is a baby... I don't need a conference..."

Or do you?

So, it's that time again at the center.... Conferences.  One of those dreaded times like hard teething and blowout poopy diapers.  (Just kidding... I don't mind conferences.  It's just a lot of extra preparation that I never think I will have the time for, but somehow manage to squeeze in around everything else.)  :)

There is so much that we get to do with the littles, and so many ways that they learn and grow- especially in that first year.  They go from a helpless newborn to a walking, talking diva in a few short months.  It is insane how much they learn in those months.  It is amazing, and I have so much fun being a part of it.

But, back to conferences.  As a center, part of our requirement is that we provide the opportunity for conferences twice each year. I say 'provide the opportunity' because so many people fail to take advantage of this awesome time to spend with your child's teacher.  Is it extra work for us?  Absolutely.  Is it extra effort on your part?  Probably.  But, trust me when I say that it is great for all of us.

Conferences are more than just your child's teacher giving you a rundown of all the things your child can do (although, there is some of that).  Conferences are a time for a conversation about your child.  What they can do is important in the context of where they are and where they need to go.  What the teacher wants for them- all the ways that we can impact their learning and development.  What the parents want for them- knowing that your child is on the right track, or knowing where to turn and having a plan to get the most out of these crucial early years is so important.  Creating a plan for the child- together.  Communication is such a huge key in creating success for each child, and having that conference gives you a window of time where no one is thinking about the traffic on the way to work, or the other children in the room and what needs to be done for the day.  You get to focus on everyone's favorite topic:  the child!

Early learning experiences are the foundational building blocks for future learning and growth in children.  Having conferences, even for infants, ensures that all the efforts that teachers go through with planning, teaching, and observing children is helping them to grow into the best little people that they can.  It allows for parent concerns to be addressed and allows for parents to find out about resources that they may not have otherwise known about.

Infants (and really, all children) grow and learn so much.  Conferences allow you to hear just what your child's accomplishments mean for future growth and learning.  Don't think that conferences for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers are less important than the ones for your kindergartner, middle schooler, or high schooler.  They are just differently important.

Take advantage of your child's teacher's expertise.  They went into the field they are in because they love children, and are interested in helping them grow to their fullest potential.

P.S.  Wondering where your child is?  Here is one great look at child development...

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