Saturday, April 19, 2014

On Grief

There is almost nothing so difficult as a loss close to home.... Unless it is a loss within your home and family.

Tonight, we are grieving the echo of a loss, and it is tough. A family I care about has lost a spouse, a parent, a sibling, a child. We will never see the care, the love, the pride directed toward the children left behind. Never see the partnership in the marriage. Never hear the laugh or see the smile.  All it took was a moment in time.

I have no direct personal experience with this type of loss. All I do have is a great sympathy for the ones more directly affected than I, and a sense that there should be more that I can do for them. All I can do is offer my presence, my hugs, and my support, and hope it is enough. I can offer my thoughts and hope that they feel the strength and care I am sending their way.

Friends, hug the ones you love tightly every day. Never miss an opportunity to tell someone you care- love, friendship, pride in an accomplishment. Take every moment you are able to make memories with your family and friends.  Commemorate the times you get to be together. And if you loose them, find the others who cared as well, and remember together. Find support, because you are never alone. Share your moments and stories, so that your healing can find the courage to begin.

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