Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Enjoying the Outdoors

It's been a while since I've written...  There has been so much going on! But, I am here now.  :)

So the snow has been taking a hiatus and we have been getting some nicer (and by that, I mean warmer) weather.  I know that there are lots of people who like the cold and snow, and that there are some great activities to be done with my little family when there is snow on the ground.  But I personally, have a preference for the weather we get in the spring and fall.  Most of the summer is nice here, but sometimes it gets so darn hot and humid, we just don't want to do anything but sit inside and not over heat.

But, spring is here now, and we are finding it much easier to get outside and spend a lot more time enjoying the world around us... Except when it rains, which it is doing now.  But, what do you do?  :)  (Actually, I've always liked the idea of having a rain coat and pair of rain boots on hand to go jump around in the puddles, but my budget so far has not allowed for this.  Sad momma.  But we find lots to do inside when the day is just not what we need for outside play.)

Today, we got outside for probably 45 minutes so the older two could practice with their bikes.  We took little man's training wheels off last weekend, and baby doll wanted her's off too.  So, off they came.  They both are working hard on take offs, heading down the road, and stopping without crashing or tipping over.  So far, there is some progress, and the rest will come with practice.  And all the while, the super baby is loving zooming up and down on his trike, with a smile on his face.  :)

I didn't get any pictures of it, because I am working on not bringing my tablet and/or phone out with me when I am spending time with the kids, but yesterday we played in the backyard on the swing set and with our boccie ball set.  I just found \out how much my kids like boccie... yesterday.  Never would have guessed, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.  A game with the objective of throwing a ball?  For sure a kid favorite.

My kids are lucky (and I am lucky) to know their uncle Dave.  Dave is a great hiker, and blogs at Hiker Adventures.  One of my all time favorite blog posts that he has written was about his other nieces and nephew from Florida, and the things he discovered about getting them interested in going on hikes with him.  As a professional teacher of young children, I love that he (an awesome teacher, though not someone who had chosen to make teaching children his life's work) discovered so seemingly easily how to motivate these children to want to hike.  And his tips are so right.  :)  

Uncle Dave

Finding the key to interest and excite a child to a new activity- it doesn't have to be about the hike, but about finding something that interests the child.  Mud, wildlife, bugs, plants, photo opportunities.  Anything to make them realize that they have an opportunity to explore what interests them, and even better, that you want to make it happen for them.  

Stopping before they are bored with the activity can be a tricky balance, but it is good to keep in mind.  If a child gets bored with an activity before they (or you) move away from it, it holds less appeal the next time it is suggested.  They will remember those feelings of boredom, or overdoing, and associate them with not having as much fun.  If you are able to leave the activity while they are still interested and not over tired, that keeps them thinking about it, and wanting to do more.  They associate hiking or biking or boccie with fun times.  :)  Dave also made a great point about ending on a high note.  Ending with the memory of not having fun and enjoying the activity promotes the likelihood of resisting a return to the activity.

Celebrating the activity, and the accomplishments found, is a great wrap-up to any outdoor activity.  Had a great hiking trip?  Go for ice cream.  Mastering biking techniques (without the training wheels)?  It can be as simple as stickers and a high five.  Or, take pictures and/or video of them, and send them later to remind children of the fun times you had together, and all they have learned.  Let them know that you are proud of them and what they are learning to do.  Children (and adults) crave the attention that you notice what they are doing, and the reinforcement that they are doing it right.

All of these tips are great for any activity, but especially for getting children motivated to spend time outdoors.  Teaching children to love the outdoors, and all the movement and learning opportunities presented is a gift that cannot be replaced.  Get up, get moving, and find what motivates your child (and you!) to spend some time in one of the greatest classrooms of all.

1 comment:

  1. Get outside and have an adventure! Terrific piece Amy, looking forward to a lifetime of outdoor adventure with the nieces and nephews.
