Thursday, February 13, 2014

Rewind... Momma needs a do-over

From: Body Positive

I borrowed this picture from Body Positive on Facebook... It came across my timeline after being liked by a friend, and I really felt like this was what I work for every day.  Except for the 'try'. One of my sweet and beautiful sister's told me once that using 'try' gives you an out to not do what you are working toward.  "There is no try, there is either doing or not doing."  Such great advice, and since then, I've done my best to trade 'try' for 'working on' or 'doing my best'.  Our words have so much power, both to ourselves and others.  But that is a topic for another day...  :)

Yesterday was definitely one of 'those days'.  Everything that could frustrate me had to happen.  (OK, maybe not everything, but enough.)  It was a long day, and by the time I got home, I just wanted things to go smoothly and to not be so frustrated anymore.  But of course, that is the time that every little nit-picky thing happens.  Toys not picked up when the kiddos are directed to.  Making a mess with supper.  Not listening to story time.  And that ended up being where my stress got the best of me, and I yelled at my sweet baby doll.  *sigh.... Sad momma.  And sad, sweet girl.  

That was definitely the worst part of my day.  She was just too excited about her turn to read to be able to sit still and listen, and my frustration just poured out all over her.  After both of our tears were dried, we were able to work out a do-over, and got it much better.  Snuggles, songs, hugs and kisses.  Being forgiven, even though I won't forget what happened nearly as easily.

That said, I am forever grateful for the opportunities my children give me to be a better mom, a better person, every day.  They are some of my biggest reasons for changing that 'try' to 'working on'.  Children, in their simple understanding of how things are supposed to work, can give you the best reasons for improving.  It is a constant search to help figure things out, and sometimes there is no time to even think about where to look to become the kind of parent  you want to be.  But the effort is so worth it.

One of the best things that I have learned how to do is ask for another chance.  If I mess up, and I will, it is ok to ask for another chance to do it better.  Our second bedtime was so much better than the first, and for her made things so much better.  We have a little poem that the kids each say before they go to sleep, followed by one thing that made them happy that day that they say thank you for.  I was lucky enough to be her one thing that night, even after everything that we had been through. My sweet girl just melts my heart.

Hug your babies extra tight every chance you get.  Never miss an opportunity to tell them "I love you."  And always remember to ask for a rewind if it gets away from you.  That is what they will remember about the situation most... That you cared enough to do your best to make it better for both of you.

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